Solar Future?
I saw these on t.v. the other night and wanted to pass them on. Its pretty good to see some pressure being felt by the Howard government over this...
Watch Lateline's story on the Australian government's energy plans, including info on the new solar plant (good), and howard's nuclear eyes (bad), as well as Lateline's fairly hard hitting interview with Senator Ian Campbell, Australia's Environment Minister, on Global Warming and Australia's energy.
Download the solar story by right clicking on either:
20061025_Late_Solar.m4v (Quicktime - 9MB)
20061025_L ate_Solar.wmv (Windows Media Player - 8.6MB)
and download the interview with Senator Ian Campbell, Australia's Environment Minister, on Global Warming and Australia's energy needs by right clicking on either
20061025_late_campbell video. m4v (Quicktime - 55MB)
20061025_late_campbell video. wmv (Windows Media Player - 44MB)
and selecting "save link as" or "save target as," depending on your browser.
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